Jouster Tales
by Mustang Major Dick Culver, USMC (Ret)
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An Introduction to The Jouster
"Who the Hell is Dick Culver Anyway?"
"Introduction to Dick Culver's Jouster Tales"
Experiences with the United States Marine Corps
"OK All You Old Salts"
"Famous Quotes from Marines"
"Arrest Those Two Scoundrels..."
"The Wings of an Angel"
"For Carlos Hathcock"
"Stolen Valor"
"Hockaday Walker and Suicide Holmes"
"An Addendum to Hockaday Walker and Suicide Holmes"
"Gray Rebel Foxtrot Six - Cartographer Extraordinaire"
"Colonel Bill Lee"
Parris Island
"1954 - VB Rifle Grenades"
"McGowin and the Buckets"
"A Slight Whiff of Sulfur"
"How I Learned to Chaw Tobaccy"
"The Passing of a Legend and a Tradition"
"Lead Foot Hartnett and the Onslow County Sheriff"
"Snake Charming 101"
"Improvise, Adapt, and Overcome"
"Turning the Tables"
"Lance Corporal Steegle"
"Alright Private Figowitz, On Your Knees"
"A Quick and Rough History of Marine Corps Parachute Units"
"High Jinks & Hand Grenades"
"Presley O'Bannon Reincarnated"
"Something Lost in Translation"
Naval Post Graduate School
"Culver and the Fang Mechanic"
"Devil Cults and Charlie Manson"
"Human Relations as Taught by the Army to the Navy"
"History of the USMC Sniper School"
"Krag Rifle Qualification Course"
"Rationale of Building a National Match Service"
"The Role of the Civilian Marksmanship Program"
"Interpolated 1913 Course of Fire"
"Rifles - With Illustrations"
"When the Tin Can Changed History"
"M1 Poem with Watermark"
"1902-03 Krag Rifle Qualifications Course"
"1902-06 Military Matches"
"1904 National Trophy Matches"
"1909 Course of Fire"
"1913 Corrected Course of Fire - to 1917"
"1921 - End of an Era"
"Service Rifle Qualification Courses and Target Graphics"
"In Distinguished Company"
"The M1 Rifle and Silver Horseshoes"
"The Designated Dinger"
"Why are the Marine Corps Long Range Stocks Painted Red"
"Annie Beagle, The Commandant, and the Interservice Match"
"The Making of a Legend"
Camp Pendleton
"A Matter of Honor"
"The Unintended Consequences of ill-Considered Statements"
"The Marines and the 173rd Airborne Brigade"
"A Kiss for a Habu"
"Charlie Reynolds and the Ishikwaka Fuzz"
"Lieutenant Kaagand the Sleeping Indian"
"Black Jack Westerman"
"Black Jack Westerman & General Krulak"
"Private Moore"
"The Education of a Company Commander"
"The Saga of Cold Steel Gunning"
"Four Gates to Hell "
"Sight Alignment & Trigger Squeeze"
"Horrible Jones McDivit and the CH-46 Helicopter"
"Indian Summer in Indian Territory"
"Infantry Officer by Trade, Intelligence Officer by Accident"
"The Fastest Gun South of Da Nang"
"Floyd Gibbons' Legacy to the Marines"